The apples

A yummy apple that holds a powerful crunch – combining the best features of MAIA-1’s parent varieties, Honeycrisp and Fuji. The durable apple arrives late in the season and stores strongly – it maintains sweetness and firmness like no other.

Japanese apple with American parents: Red Delicious and Ralls Janet. The Fuji apple dates back to Thomas Jefferson in 1793. A very sweet apple, the Fuji is good for applesauce as it needs little or no sugar.

Developed in New Zealand, the Gala is another kids’ favorite. With a mild flavor and striking bright yellow-red color with a creamy yellow flesh, the apple is a great choice for snacking and salads.

These super crispy, sweet-tart flavored apples are a big hit since their introduction in 1991. They continue to gain popularity as a great apple for fresh eating, salads and pies.

A natural cross between the Golden Delicious and Lady Williams varieties, the Pink Lady originated in Western Australia in the 1990’s. The flavor of this popular apple is both sweet and tangy with a refreshing, crispy crunch! When refrigerated properly, the Pink Lady has a long storage life.

Ruby Frost has the balance of sweet and tart flavors, making it perfect for eating, for baking and as a special ingredient in recipes.

A new New York apple characterized by “monster crunch.” One of its parents is the Honeycrisp, and you’ll love the spicy/sweet flavor. Extra sweet, and juicy with a crispy texture.

WildTwist® are an exciting new apple variety from Hess Brothers Fruit Company. Its parents are the popular Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink. WildTwist® are very crunchy with a balanced sweet and tart profile. They are locally grown in family owned orchards. Perfect for snacking, salads and baking.
Legacy Apples

Great all-purpose apple ideal for fruit cups and fruit platters due to the fact that it resists browning when cut.

Previously known as the Mutsu apple to reflect its Japanese heritage, it was renamed Crispin in the 1960’s. Crispins are super crisp and ideal for cutting thick slices or roasting whole.

A cross between Red Delicious and McIntosh. The Empire apple has a deep red coloring and creamy, white flesh. The apple’s sweet-tart flavor and extra crunchy texture make it a hit with kids!

Available early in the season, the Ginger Gold is a great choice for eating and snacking as well as an excellent choice for salads as it is slow to turn brown when cut.

Sometimes mistaken as a relative of the Red Delicious apple, Golden Delicious apples only share in the name. With a honey-sweet flavor and juicy yellow flesh, Golden Delicious are ideal for baking and sauces as cooks can cut down the sugar used in recipes.

The Granny Smith variety is one of the biggest sellers and boasts amazing eye appeal (sun-kissed pink blush on a green background), long shelf life, and versatility. These apples are slow to brown when cut.

An excellent apple for baked goods, the Jonagold variety is a cross between mellow Golden Delicious and tart Jonathan. Jonagolds make great fried apples when sautéed in butter and a touch of cinnamon - no sugar needed!

This apple was named after a famous Canadian fruit breeder in 1932. The Macoun is very aromatic and extra sweet. This tender apple with snowy white flesh is a great accompaniment with cheese on a platter.

We’ve been enjoying this apple since 1811 when John McIntosh discovered the first seedling. The McIntosh is sweet with a tart tang and very juicy. The apple is tender with white flesh that cooks down quickly. If making pies with McIntosh, cooks may need to add a thickener.

A very tart apple that is available early in the season. This juicy variety with white flesh is great for eating and applesauce and needs little or no sugar.

A popular apple with a mildly sweet, slightly tart flavor. Red Delicious apples have a deep, red color and remain attractive for a long time so they are the favored choice for holiday centerpieces, wreaths and decorating. Red Delicious apples are a great choice for snacking and salads.

Often the accompaniment on your dinner plate, Rome apples are an ideal variety for cooking as they retain their shape and tart flavor. This apple is an antique – dating back to 1816 and originating in Ohio. The mildly tart, firm apple with greenish white flesh is excellent for apple sauce and baking, especially when combined with other, sweeter apple varieties.
We partner with quality growers in Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia and Maryland.
Our apples are harvested in the fall and are put into refrigerated storage. Apples that meet long term storage requirements are put into controlled atmosphere rooms. With controlled atmosphere technology, apples can go to sleep for almost a year and be as fresh as when they were harvested.
We subscribe to a limited use of approved pesticides and use other methods of control whenever possible. Our growers follow integrated pest management practices that include, but are not limited to the use of traps, mating interruption and hormones. We follow the Good Agricultural Practices safe food procedures as recommended by the USDA. Food safety is a top priority here at Hess Brothers and we continually look for ways to provide healthier apples.
Yes, our apples are coated with a food grade wax. This wax is safe to eat and is USDA approved. The wax helps to maintain the apple's attractiveness and help preserve its quality during storage and transportation.
We have heard many answers to this question over the years. Everyone seems to have their favorite, but we have found Cortland apples to be the most popular choice.
Rome apples have a deep red pigmentation in the skin that will sometimes "bleed" into the white flesh. It is completely harmless and natural. Some years it is worse than others because of growing conditions. It is not an artificial dye or artificial coloring.